Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I've been contemplating if writing is what I'm supposed to be doing. As much as I would like to write full time having money for things like food, gas, and bills take precedent. I recently had a birthday and took stock of my life something I've always done. To measure how far along I have come. What I have done that is worth celebrating besides waking up in the morning and having those I love around me. Yet I was disappointed with my results. I can take some of the blame for not being more successful in my endeavors, but for the first time in a long time I put more effort into it these last 12 months yet all I can still see is the start line. I've worked hard, but I'm still treading water. With no sense of accomplishment it makes me question if I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I have these great ideas and make shift plans that seem to collapse around me. However I don't allow that to stop me. I just pick up and keep going. It's what I've always done. Now my mojo has left me. Making me question everyone and everything. I think I need a vacation from everyone and everything even writing. So that is my next goal, vacation where I can relax, relate, release, and reboot. Now all I need is the money!

I am FINALLY on Facebook. Tragic I know but I couldn't get a feel for it. I still don't know how to work it, yet I am set up all the same. I was tired of being berated for not having one. It was also mentioned that I should open an account so readers can discover me. Since I need a GPS to navigate the site. I don't believe readers will come pouring in just yet. In fact I'll make that my next goal as well learn how to work Facebook. Now all I need is patience. Pray for me!

Ta Ta

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