Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I've been contemplating if writing is what I'm supposed to be doing. As much as I would like to write full time having money for things like food, gas, and bills take precedent. I recently had a birthday and took stock of my life something I've always done. To measure how far along I have come. What I have done that is worth celebrating besides waking up in the morning and having those I love around me. Yet I was disappointed with my results. I can take some of the blame for not being more successful in my endeavors, but for the first time in a long time I put more effort into it these last 12 months yet all I can still see is the start line. I've worked hard, but I'm still treading water. With no sense of accomplishment it makes me question if I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I have these great ideas and make shift plans that seem to collapse around me. However I don't allow that to stop me. I just pick up and keep going. It's what I've always done. Now my mojo has left me. Making me question everyone and everything. I think I need a vacation from everyone and everything even writing. So that is my next goal, vacation where I can relax, relate, release, and reboot. Now all I need is the money!

I am FINALLY on Facebook. Tragic I know but I couldn't get a feel for it. I still don't know how to work it, yet I am set up all the same. I was tired of being berated for not having one. It was also mentioned that I should open an account so readers can discover me. Since I need a GPS to navigate the site. I don't believe readers will come pouring in just yet. In fact I'll make that my next goal as well learn how to work Facebook. Now all I need is patience. Pray for me!

Ta Ta

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Shrews need love too

Recently I read a review for Love Captured that wasn't what I was expecting. To summarize the reviewer did not like the main character Lucy (nor did she like the book). That is to be expected people will either love it or hate it. Which I have to admit Lucy can be crass. I assumed when I read my first negative review I would be tucked in a corner silently weeping. I talk much game but sometimes my girly emotions take over. No matter how much I would prefer my anger, tears usually reigns when my temper soars. What I found strange, I was actually happy about the review. I know I'm odd, but I can't help it. Lucy is straight forward, blunt, and says things that are inappropriate. I like to think of her as a House lite (one of my favorite television protagonist). She just gets to say how she feels. Instead of crying and becoming a victim, she made armor to protect herself.

I'm glad that Lucy is different. She's not like any other woman on the surface. Of course she's not a robot, but don't shrews deserve love too? Everyone should get to bask in it at least once. I promise she'll be more relatable in the sequel...maybe

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Once again I am lost. The writing it out feels like I am saying the same thing over and over again. I've been told if I am unhappy in my situation then I should change it and My reply...how? Point number 1. I HATE MY JOB! Although I shouldn't complain there are many people without work but every morning I talk myself into getting out of bed. Find some sort of way to motivate myself to spend 10 hours (including the drive) doing the same stuff I did the day before and the day before that. 

Point number 2 is crazy the black? I believe people are purposely being obtuse to make life more miserable. For example when I explain something to a client with (a question I can answer) and that client is dissatisfied with my answer. They prefer to speak with my manager because they believe a different outcome will ensue. Now that same dissatisfied client that I am ready to stab with the closest sharp object is no longer the tiradial dissatisfied client they are now the helpless victim and the big bad associate did not give into their demands upon first request. They precede to ask the same questions that were asked of the big bad associate but added sugar on top. However when the manager explains (exactly what the big bad associate explained earlier) suddenly they understand. The point I'm trying to make is this if you don't believe I know the answer to your question then don't ask me. Go straight to the manager first and bypass me altogether it would save us so much time. 

Point number 3 no really is crazy the new black?

keep waiting for this moment when my life is going to change for the better. When my hardwork will finally pay off, but I feel like I'm treading water. For every step I take forward towards my goals I'm thrown five steps back. In all honesty I want to quit everything. Work, responsibility, intelligence, and sometimes even life. Yet there's something within that says don't count yourself out yet. So for all the no's and the setbacks that I've landed with perfect 10's. I still believe that everything happens for a reason. So the next question I have is haven't I learn enough on this subject already? I think it's time for the next lesson. Then again am I ready for the next lesson? We shall see!

Ta Ta

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Love Captured

-Starbucks, work, eat, sleep, repeat. Lucy Phillips’ life has been on a loop, save the occasional girl talk with her best friend Trudy and badgering phone calls from her mother. After a flopped dance audition and a shattered engagement, she swore of her men, along with her dreams of achieving fame, and buried herself in her job in retail management. But she never expected to remain buried for a whole five years, losing sight of her happiness. Now the tall, dark and handsome Adrian McCray has entered her life, and he quickly pulls her out of her rut and into his fast-paced world of international success, wealth and fame. Lucy must decide if she will give up her own dreams and aspirations to be a part of Adrian’s life—a life she’s not so sure she will ever fit into.

Available at Amazon and other ebook retailers